GNU Make for running tasks

March 15, 2017

Every front end developer have heard of or is using one of the task runners like Grunt, Gulp, Broccoli. There are a lot of articles and how to's on the web about these tools. However, there is one that doesn't get a lot of attention and that is GNU Make. It was originally created by Stuart Feldman in April 1976. GNU Make is not really popular among front end developers, it has a steep learning curve in comparison with Grunt or Gulp and there are not much examples on how to use it for front end development. In this blog post I would like to change that, I will show you how you can use GNU Make as a task runner for front end development.

First of all, what is Make? There is a good description on wikipedia: Make is a build automation tool that automatically builds executable programs and libraries from source code by reading files called Makefiles which specify how to derive the target program.

How to install GNU Make?

Let's first install Make. Mac OS comes with GNU Make 3.81, so it is already available. I have no experience on installing GNU Make on Linux or Windows, here some articles for these OS's:

If you find better tutorials let me know and I will update the urls in this blog post. You can contact me on Twitter @mirelvt.

To check if it is already installed, open your terminal and run the following code (on Mac):

$ which make
This will return a path. On my environment it is:
$ /user/bin/make

Create Makefile

Make works with Makefiles, you place these files in the root of your project. In my examples I will create one Makefile to run tasks for:

Lets say my folder structure looks like this:

             /* here comes the generated css files */
            /* here comes the generated css files */

Open the Makefile in your editor and lets start with creating variables for the css and scss paths:

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

Now we create variables which contains:

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))

These 4 variables are used for creating CSS source files (not compressed) and minified CSS files.

Makefile rules

Now we will create the rules for the Makefile. When you have Sass installed you can use its command in the Makefile to create your CSS.

A rule has the following format:

    targets : prerequisites

In our example the first rule is to compile .src.css files with Sass. The target is **$(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css**, the prerequisites **$(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)** and the recipe **scss $< $@** . $< and $@ are called automatic variables. These variables have values computed afresh for each rule that is executed. The rule to create .src.css will be executed 3 times: for the base, login and shop. The rule to create .min.css files are also executed 3 times.

Be aware to use spaces not tabs for indentation. If you use the latter and run make you get the error: Makefile:18: *** missing separator. Stop.

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))

$(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss $< $@

$(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed $< $@

Now that the rules are in place, you need to let make know what to compile. You use targets for this. In your Makefile the *all* target is set. This is one of Makes standard targets.

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))


$(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss $< $@

$(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed $< $@

Now you can run make in your terminal to compile the CSS files, the output will look like this:

$ make
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed scss/base.scss static/css/base.min.css
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed scss/login.scss static/css/login.min.css
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed scss/shop.scss static/css/shop.min.css
    scss scss/base.scss static/css/base.src.css
    scss scss/login.scss static/css/login.src.css
    scss scss/shop.scss static/css/shop.src.css

As you can see the order of the compilation is as defined in the *all* target. First the minified are compiled then the CSS source files. You can change the order.

    all: $(CSS_OBJS) $(CSS_MIN_OBJS) 

If you run make again you get the message:

make: Nothing to be done for `all'.

This is because there are no changes in the Sass files and the CSS files are also generated. Change something in one of your Sass files or delete the files from the CSS folder and run make again. Now you see that the order of make has changed.

Make clean

Wouldn't it be nice to clean up the CSS folder via a Make recipe? You can do this by adding the following target and recipe to your Makefile:

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))


$(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss $< $@

$(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed $< $@

    rm -f $(CSS_OBJS) $(CSS_MIN_OBJS)

If you run **make clean** the CSS files are removed, this should be the output in your terminal:

$ make clean
    rm -f  static/css/base.src.css  static/css/login.src.css static/css/shop.src.css
    static/css/base.min.css  static/css/login.min.css  static/css/shop.min.css


The Makefile is finished, right? Not really. If you create a file with, for example, the name clean and you run: make clean, clean would always be considered up to date and its recipe would not be executed, because it had no prerequisites. Just try it, create a file named clean and run make clean. You will get the following output in your terminal: make: `clean' is up to date. So how to avoid this? Phony target comes to the rescue. With phony target you avoid conflict with a file of the same name and it also improve performance. Add .PHONY: clean all to your Makefile and run make clean again. As you can see the clean file triggers no conflict anymore and executes the target.

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
SASS_SRCS = scss

CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))


$(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss $< $@

$(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
    scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed $< $@

    rm -f $(CSS_OBJS) $(CSS_MIN_OBJS)

.PHONY: clean all

Suffix rules

Suffix rules are the old-fashioned way of defining implicit rules for make. They are supported in GNU make for compatibility with old makefiles. Suffix rule definitions are recognized by comparing each rule’s target against a defined list of known suffixes. If you wish to eliminate the default known suffixes instead of just adding to them, write a rule for .SUFFIXES with no prerequisites. By special dispensation, this eliminates all existing prerequisites of .SUFFIXES. You can then write another rule to add the suffixes you want. (Source GNU Manual)

In our example the only suffixes we want are .min.css and .src.css:

    CSS_OBJ = static/css
    SASS_SRCS = scss

    CSS_DEPS = $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/_*.scss)
    CSS_SRCS = $(filter-out _%, $(notdir $(wildcard $(SASS_SRCS)/*.scss)))
    CSS_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css, $(CSS_SRCS))
    CSS_MIN_OBJS = $(patsubst %.scss, $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css, $(CSS_SRCS))

    all: $(CSS_OBJS) $(CSS_MIN_OBJS)

    $(CSS_OBJ)/%.src.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
        scss $< $@

    $(CSS_OBJ)/%.min.css: $(SASS_SRCS)/%.scss $(CSS_DEPS)
        scss --sourcemap=none --style compressed $< $@

        rm -f $(CSS_OBJS) $(CSS_MIN_OBJS)

    .PHONY: clean all

    .SUFFIXES:            # Delete the default suffixes
    .SUFFIXES: .min.css .src.css

Now you have a simple task runner to create source CSS and minified CSS files with just 23 lines of code!

Run make in Sublime, Atom or VSCode

You can use the terminal to run make, but you can perhaps also use your favorite editor, check their site if there is a package available. If you use Sublime or Atom:

You can do a lot more with Make, you can also generate minified js files, generate css with less or generate font icons using fontcustom. The options are endless. To get you up and running I shall create in the near future some more Makefile examples which you can use.
